Author: Jeff Lehr

Jeff Lehr was born in Van Nuys, California in 1975 and he grew up in Chatsworth, and graduated from Chaminade College Preparatory in 1993. Jeff attended Santa Barbara City College for three years and later worked as a Graphic Artist. Jeff at the moment is a student of the Art Institute in Media Arts and Animation.

Zodiac is written by James Vanderbilt and directed by David Fincher. This film is based on the true life story of a serial killer who terrorized a nation in the late 1960’s and early 1970’s. The killer was never convicted and to this day it is still an open case. One man was strongly suspected but there was never enough evidence to convict him in a court of law. The killings took place in California and were highly publicized in newspapers and on television. The film starts out with the first two victims of the Zodiac parked in a car…

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